Do NJ DUI Arrests Increase During the Holiday Season?
November 30, 2022

DUI arrests in New Jersey tend to increase during the holiday season. This could be due to more drunk drivers on the roads after leaving holiday celebrations, as well as an increase in police officers on the road, specifically looking for intoxicated drivers. Either way, it’s important to be prepared to avoid the expensive fines and potential jail time that comes with a DUI charge.
How to Avoid a DUI This Holiday Season
The easiest way to avoid a DUI is not to drink and drive. However, here are a few other tips that may help you avoid the risks that come with drinking and driving:
- Cut yourself off: You may still be able to enjoy a drink or two if you stop drinking a few hours before heading home.
- Know your limit: Knowing your limit is also important when consuming any alcoholic beverage. Keep in mind that some factors may affect your usual limit, including medications you take and how much you have eaten.
- Call a rideshare: Rideshares are easier than ever to book. Download the Uber or Lyft app before arriving at your location, so you can easily call them for a ride home.
- Leave your car at home: Leaving your car at home and finding other transportation to this year’s holiday party helps you avoid any temptation to drive.
- Catch a ride with someone else: If you plan on having any drinks, catch a ride with a family member or friend.
- Drink plenty of water: Drinking a glass of water in between drinks can help you avoid getting drunk.
Regardless of which precautions you take, it’s important to know your limit. Keep in mind that even cutting yourself off a few hours before leaving the party or drinking a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages may not be enough. When in doubt, find a different way to get home to avoid the consequences of a DUI.
What to Do If You’re Dealing With Potential DUI Charges
You have had a drink or two and you’re driving home, only to notice the flashing red and blue lights behind you. What do you do? The steps you take now may affect the legal consequences you receive in the future. Remember, police are legally permitted to make a traffic stop if they have reasonable suspicion. This may include swerving, speeding, or even driving under the speed limit.
Some New Jersey cities may even set up random DUI checkpoints, which are also legal. This is completely randomized and could result in DUI charges. An officer may also pull you over if you text or if your vehicle appears unsafe, such as a broken headlight. If an officer orders a breathalyzer, you’re required to take it in New Jersey.
You agree to this requirement when you register for your New Jersey driver’s license. However, this doesn’t mean the test results are always accurate. On the other hand, you’re not required to take a field sobriety test. There may be little you can do if you’re taken in for a DUI. From here, though, contacting a DUI lawyer may be in your best interest. A DUI lawyer can help you build a legal defense based on the details of your case.
Contact an Experienced Marlton DWI Defense Attorney About Your Drunk Driving Charges in New Jersey
Have you been charged with a DWI or DUI offense in New Jersey? A drunk driving conviction could leave you with a permanent record, and it could result in your driver’s license being suspended for a very long time. That is why it is imperative that you speak with a qualified DWI defense lawyer about your case. The Law Office of John B. Brennan represents clients charged with drunk driving, breath test refusal, and related offenses in Marlton, Moorestown, Medford, Cherry Hill, and throughout New Jersey. Call (856) 446-5123 or fill out our confidential online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office located at 10,000 Lincoln Dr. East, Suite 201, Marlton, NJ 08053.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.